Mark Dickinson
General Secretary
Nautilus International
Mark joined the British Merchant Navy in 1978 and has been involved in the maritime industry for over 40 years. Following studies at the University of Wales (UWIST) he spent twelve years with the International Transport Workers’ Federation where he was responsible for the federation’s maritime activities. During a year-long sabbatical he studied Industrial Relations at the London School of Economics. In January 2000, he went to work for the National Union of Maritime, Shipping and Transport (NUMAST) which eventually became Nautilus International.
In May 2009, Mark was elected as the General Secretary of the world’s first trans-boundary trade union – Nautilus International – representing British, Dutch and Swiss professionals in maritime and inland waterways. He is now serving his fourth term.
Mark was awarded the Queens Merchant Navy Medal for services to seafarer employment and training in 2018. In 2022 he became a Young Brother of the Fraternity of Trinity House.